Thursday, December 15, 2016


I like to sit in a corner and observe people when I'm in a crowd and lately I'm doing more of that. Especially in church and when I attend events. The judgemental look a lot of people give to others, the side sneers and sniggers, the tongue in cheek comments and the I-am-sure-better-than-you hoity-toity stupidly self righteous look they give to others never ever seems to stop keeping me in shock and puzzlement. 

Who taught the sun where to stand in the morning? Perhaps it is you who wrote the map of their destiny. You can definitely have your own differing opinion(s), yes, you do not have to agree with them or their choices, since you're without mistakes your entire life, but you do NOT have a right to be an Hypocrite and a Judge. God always has a sense of humour. The God of times and seasons. One day it rained in Susannah's house and you sneered and hissed at her foolish decision. Tomorrow, the rain became a storm and removed your roof and we saw you soaked to your panties. Who is laughing now? 

#timesandseasons#newbookontheway #toomuchiwanttosay#whenmyheartisoverwhelmedisimplywrite #lifehappens #bekind

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