Saturday, December 28, 2013

As 2013 rolls by.........

I'm sitting here, watching the almost still street below from my window and amazed at how quiet some parts of Calabar can be and thanking God for such peace and quiet in the midst of the hustle and bustle of this world. 

As usual, my mind wanders and I begin to take stock of 2013 ( actually began doing that since I got in here); I am amazed at how quickly this year passed by.  I am reminded of the very many things that happened this year, in my life, in the nation, in the lives of friends, of families, at work, in my business, etc.

I am reminded of the very difficult and almost mind bending, painful decision I took at the beginning of the year (the strain and emotional anguish was inexplicable) and how God has practically held my heart in his hands and cradled it slowly but surely back to some form of normalcy. He's still cradling it, and healing it and He has provided all I need to get back to normal.

I am reminded of how many times I travelled this year both locally and internationally and how God kept me through it all and always brought me back home to my loved ones safely.  

I am reminded of God's grace with ThistlePraxis Consulting.  I couldn't even pay my staff full salary in January and I cannot say we did so many projects this year, but God has brought us to a fantastic close of year.  It could only have been by grace. I cannot but chuckle at the new amazing supernatural opportunities that opened before our very eyes - ThistlePraxis in 17 countries and 4 continents.  Only grace. 

I am reminded of the possibilities and joys and laughters.  The new babies I blessed in church and in families dear to my heart; even a royal baby; the new marriages full of hope and life; the new homes and cars; the new opportunities beyond my imagination; I can only just shake my head and look up and say - thank you God.

I am reminded that I am not perfect; I still wrestle with: anxiety, control, Perfectionism. Anger. so many many things. But as this year rolls to an end, I will continue to work on them as God helps me.

I am reminded of the knives in my back and the arrows close friends have shot into my heart. The side glances ad the mocking smiles. I have been through a tough time, and have a bleeding heart to show for it.  But I am dealing with it.

I am in the same vein reminded of the times I have knowingly and unknowingly offended close friends and loved ones and I have made a mental note to call up everyone before the 31st and make peace.

I am reminded of people who lost loved ones and can't seem to find or feel any form of joy as the year rolls to an end and I just mentally reach out and cradle my loved ones around me and hold them tight. 

I am reminded of the love I have been privileged to receive this year. From many whose names I will not mention.  Standing by me, for me - in the place of prayers, taking unplanned flights to check on me and ensure I have not disappeared, calling, loving, blessing and encouraging me. I am reminded and I am grateful. 

As I sit here at this window, typing away, I am reminded of so many things.  The joy and undiluted bliss on my father's face as he walks into his house in Calabar. The prayers and thanks my parents have offered on my behalf. 

I am reminded of how blessed I am beyond measure. I look around my home.  I walk into every space, every space in this house, touching the walls and the furnitures. Thanking God for a home, a place to call home. I'm looking at my extra large green garden and the trees. I recall just yesterday afternoon, the fresh coconut in my garden was plucked and my parents and big sisters drinking and eating and I am watching them and smiling.  I am a very loved woman, very very. and the song in my heart just went: 

Father, to you Lord, be all the glory
To you, my Father, be all the honor
To you Daddy, be all the glory,
Power, adoration for evermore

Because verily, verily you are good,
Verily you are God
Jesus you are good.

Onye nje'mo onu
Na ra ekene, mgbenine

I am reminded of my love, my children - my tonnes of pure joy and happiness -;  I am reminded that this year is passing by and it has been an eventful year for me.  Very eventful. And I can only bow my head and say THANK YOU LORD.

As the year rolls by.................


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ...we exist and live by grace alone, this is so inspiring,i know you wouldn't have thought I would be the first to see this ma, but I can feel the gracious heart of gratitude and I really bless God for the opportunity given to be part of the grace which has been evident in your life and our company ThistlePraxis Consulting. I always admire your courage ma, and you inspire me....thanks for this and God has handed over already the Grace for super natural function in 2014 in Jesus name, Happy New Year in advance. Good Night ma.

  3. God bless you Dare. You have been a blessing.

  4. "Grace alone". God bless you more in the coming years. Thanks for sharing, you are truly an inspiration!

    1. Amen and Amen. God bless and keep you for me Etebong. Big hugs
